We are a community of people from a variety of backgrounds exploring what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to actively love our neighbors.

Our community includes people who have been following Jesus for many years, some who are new to Christian faith, and some who are exploring Christianity for the first time.

CCC is a warm, welcoming community—regardless of your background, beliefs, or life situation. Come as you are, and we look forward to welcoming you to worship.

In our worship services, we narrate and celebrate what God has done for us and the world through Jesus Christ. Whether you are skeptical about Christian faith, curious about Christ, or a seasoned follower of Jesus, worship points us to what we all need: the Gospel. Our worship includes songs and prayer, confession, Scripture, teaching, and Communion.  

At CCC, we want you to feel free to “come as you are.” Dress comfortably, and peruse our worship guide for more info. Most of all, know that we’re glad you’re here, whether you’re only beginning to explore spiritual reality, or have been a Christian for some time.

Common Questions:

How should I dress?
We welcome you to dress comfortably and be yourself. 

If I drive, where can I park?
There is always plenty of parking available in the lot at Timothy.

What do I do when I get there?
When you walk in the front doors, a friendly person will greet you, give you a program (what we call a Worship Guide) and answer any questions that you might have. When you enter the gym, find a seat wherever you like.

Do you provide child care?
We welcome children of all ages at CCC. On Sundays, age-appropriate classes are provided for children from infancy to Grade 6 during the morning service.

What happens during the worship service?
The Worship Guide you receive will give you some information about our church. Please take a moment to complete the Connection Card that you will find in your guide and place it in a basket during the service. For new guests, this will help us to know a little more about you. Please include any prayer requests or other communications in it, and we will be glad to pray for you or get back to you.

We want you to enjoy your time with us, so we encourage you to participate as much or as little as you like. You can meet a lot of new people seated around you or choose to remain anonymous at first if you prefer. We’ll give some simple instructions throughout the service to let you know when to stand or sit. During our time together we will sing, pray, read Scripture, and hear a message that is both biblical and practical. The service usually lasts about 75 minutes. We would love for you to hang around for a little while after the service. Our people love to spend time meeting newcomers and catching up with friends.